Language Milestones – Birth to One Year

Babies love the sound of a reading voice. Reading aloud to infants stimulates brain cell growth and the formation of valuable learning connections.

What’s beginning with language at…

2 months – Cooing (making long vowel sounds)
4 to 6 months – Babbling (adding consonants-even ones they never hear)
7 months – Recognizing what sounds familiar and what doesn’t
8 months – Assigning meaning to words

What works when reading to newborns to 6 month olds…

Read anything you enjoy, as well as their new books.
Sing and say rhymes.
Gaze at each other.
Respond to their cries, coos, smiles, and movements
Gently touch, hold, and stroke them.

What 6 months to 1 year olds like in books…

Brightly colored board books.
Simple pictures.
Putting books into their mouths.
Pictures of familiar objects.
Photos of babies.

Language Milestones

Important milestones you will notice as your child grows. Click on the age of your child.


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