Language Milestones – Three to Five Year Olds

Preschoolers like to tell stories. They delight in memorizing their favorite books and “reading” them back to you. This is a great time to begin to encourage them to choose library books to bring home.

What’s beginning with language…

Preschoolers continue to develop the power of using language. They continue to form basic literacy concepts:

  • Print is speech written down.
  • Printed words in a book don’t change.
  • Stories in books have a structure that conveys meaning

What works when reading with 3 to 5 year olds…

Ask them simple questions about the story.
Visit the library and bookstore and choose books.
Go to story times.
Let the child:

  • Sit close to you or on your lap.
  • Tell you stories.
  • Read them labels and signs wherever you go.

When young children are cared for by others, be sure books are a regular part of every day.

Language Milestones

Important milestones you will notice as your child grows. Click on the age of your child.


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